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Welcome the New Year – Yoga workshop with Andrew and Francesca

Saturday 5th of January 2019 from 11.30 am to 2 pm

Letting go of the old, Bring on the New.

Welcoming the New Year with the delights of Yoga! In this 2 and half hour special we will practice with an intention of letting go of past energy and inviting new potential for 2019.

We begin with Asana in the tradition of Satyananda yoga practices, aiming at cleansing the Koshas (different layers of our Being). Other cleansing practices (Kapalabhati and Nadi Shodhana pranayama, Nauli Krya,) will be introduced.

Inversions are also considered a boost for our mental and physical wellbeing, they are said to benefit the immune system, mental clarity and viewing yourself and the world from a different prospective…

We will complete our practice with opening the heart and liberating our mind with some joyful chants with Francesca and her harmonium!

Finishing with a long relaxation.

Drop in rate: £17

Special price for Pure Yoga members:

10 class pass holders: £9 plus a stamp on their card – Unlimited pass holders: £14

Please contact us for more information and for booking. Phone 07909 144 414 – email info@pureyogacheshire.co.uk

05 January
Saturday @ 3:10 pm - 3:10 pm


  • Start:
    5th January @ 3:10 pm
  • End:
    5th January @ 3:10 pm
  • Event Category

