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Sound Healing and Restorative Yoga

A beautiful grounding Yoga and Sound Special with Francesca and Jane on Saturday 23rd of April 2022 – £25

We will begin with a healing Restorative Yoga session, practicing postures that promote a deep sense of release and nourishment. Appropriate for all levels, restorative yoga is practiced at a slow pace, focusing on long holds, stillness, and deep breathing. Restorative yoga is a style of yoga that encourages physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. We will use props like bolsters, blocks and blankets to allow the body to fall comfortably into the shapes.

This will be followed by a sound healing experience with Jane.

Sound healing is one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing known to man. It uses the power of sound to restore ones mind, body and spirit back to a state of balance. The harmonic vibrations from the instruments have a deep penetrating effect on the receiver, promoting healing and wellbeing.
Through sound healing, you may experience the benefits of: heightened perceptions and sensations in the body, feeling more centred and balanced within, deep profound relaxation, an enhanced sense of wellness, improved sleep, a decrease in stress, anxiety and depression, quietening of mind chatter and the release of blocked emotions.

We do supply mats and some blankets, but please bring anything you might want to have to make your experience even more relaxing, like an extra blanket and a pillow.

Please book via our book now page https://pureyogacheshire.co.uk/timetable/ you can book your spot and pay bank transfer: Pure Yoga Cheshire – Sort Code 089299 – Account number 69775596

More information: info@pureyogacheshire.co.uk – phone 07909144414

23 April
Saturday @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm


  • Start:
    23rd April @ 5:30 pm
  • End:
    23rd April @ 7:00 pm
  • Event Category



Pure Yoga Cheshire

29, Charlotte Street,
Macclesfield, England SK11 6JB United Kingdom

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