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Shoulder technique and inner balance with Peter Roussel

Sunday 16th of August 2015 – 11.30 to 14.00 hrs – £25

This inversions workshop offers the chance to learn skilled placement of upper body for powerful application of asana that will enable healing in the nervous system.

The workshop will consist of:
Gentle shoulder warm up and some detailed techniques that make posses light and safe.

Making the upper body action more intelligent by careful placement of arm in relation to the spine will make the feeling of being upside-down lighter. You will feel this in your breathing.

Building strength whilst releasing pressure on the heart will create optimal support for the healing powers of inverted postures to take effect, making you feel taller and more energetic.

This workshop will include handstand, fore-arm balance, head stand (for some), and shoulder stand.

Supported variations available for anyone at anytime, working to your limit is required. We all work at our own pace and this is especially important with inversions, I have plenty tips to get the best out of this practice even if you are not quite upto scratch.

Doing the Saturday workshop would set you up nicely to get the most out of this workshop, but its not essential.

We will end with supported (yin) positions, deep breathing (pranayama) and guided relaxation.

This practice will balance the nervous system deeply and make for a restful Sunday.

Contact Pure Yoga to book: info@pureyogacheshire.co.uk – phone 07909 144 414


About PeterPeter portrait

Born in Manchester Peter Roussel started there with Astanga yoga in 1998. Since then he has traveled the world to learn from great teacher in many styles of hatha yoga practice and self development. Peter is passionate about the connection between systems; the workings of the body – breath – mind and to some degree nutrition have been the focus of his practice and study for over 15 years.
Informative classes with creative sequences are appreciated by many for his ability to include different levels of the students practice. Besides sharing skilful techniques Peter is appreciated for linking the effects of the practice with subjects as far reaching as injury, self esteem, fitness and life purpose. He offers inspiring classes that stimulate students to explore self practice, and different modalities of personal development that lead to self awareness. Read more about Peter on his website byoga 



16 August
Sunday @ 12:25 pm - 12:25 pm


  • Start:
    16th August @ 12:25 pm
  • End:
    16th August @ 12:25 pm
  • Event Category

