PAST EVENT – Sound Wave™️ with Mr and Mrs Brilliant
Friday 26th of July 2019 from 7 to 9 pm
Join us as we share a time honoured practice: Metta Bhavana – Loving Kindness Sound Wave with Mr and Mrs Brilliant
It’s all about relating to people, friends & family and ultimately yourself, helping you better understand what belongs to you and perhaps even where difficult relating comes from. Combining guided meditation with our signature SoundWave™️ you will feel extremely peaceful and full of loving compassion for yourself, and if your lucky may lead to a eureka moment; forever transforming your relating not only with yourself but with all others.
Metta Bhavana is an immense practice and a total joy; like all great teachers and practices it will challenge you to expand and break through barriers with vast love and understanding.
About Gareth and Laura:
Gareth is a Harper, Jazz Pianist, Bowen and Flower Essence therapist. He has trained at Leeds College of Music and studied Orff-Schulwerk (specialist music teacher training) at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland & San Fransisco School, setting up his own music tuition agency and music school. He is an Ultra Distance Runner and Swimmer and has an established clinic and field clinic for ultra distance sporting events.
Gareth started off his musical training as a Classical & Jazz Pianist and in his mid 30’s discovered the Harp. His interest with the Harp spans two worlds, the folk tradition and spiritual practice. He has dedicated years to travelling across Britain, learning from the masters of the tradition, enjoying playing in the darkest corners of the most isolated public houses and under the Sun & Moon for meditation, Spiritual and Shamanic practice.
Laura is an award winning Soprano and as such enjoyed an 18 year international career as an opera, concert and recital singer. She trained at the Royal College of Music, The Benjamin Britten International Opera School and The National Opera Studio. Alongside this she trained as a level 1 Clear Mind Institute mindfulness teacher, British Wheel of Yoga Hatha yoga teacher, an Integrated Yoga Therapist, and Esalen Practitioner. She is a member of the Sound Healers Association and a sound healing practitioner from The Colour of Sound Institute.
Laura is very experienced in using Sound and Meditation for deep healing, transformation and transcendence. She is dedicated to the transformation, health and wellbeing of humanity and the universe through the use of mantra and sound.
£12 Pay in Advance, £14 on the Door
Booking required and confirmed via email:
Pay in advance via Bank Transfer:
Pure Yoga Cheshire
Co-operative Bank
Sort Code 089299
Account number 69775596
Friday @ 10:52 am - 10:52 am
- Start:
26th July @ 10:52 am- End:
26th July @ 10:52 am- Event Category