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Past Event: Deep Cleansing Kundalini Yoga Workshop with Jenni Kaur

Sunday 15th of March 2020 – From 1 to 4 pm – £30

March is the perfect time to cleanse the body and the mind as we prepare for regeneration and renewal that the Springtime brings.

Shake those cobwebs off energetically and physically as we start to tip toe into the season of Manifestation, Creativity and Inspiration.

Join this Kundalini Yoga Workshop to clean out the waste in the liver that builds up over the Winter. Clean the mind of thought patterns that aren’t serving your highest purpose. Refresh yourself for new growth and incoming inspiration!

“Springtime is when new blood starts coming in. It’s a good time to cleanse.” –Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga is practical and powerful. It works quickly to open up the body, keep the mind calm and to be able to move through life with acceptance and ease.

You learn techniques to elevate yourself, shed old baggage and reduce stress in your life. You do not need any experience of yoga or meditation and it is open to everyone.

Secure your mat for this popular workshop, contact us on info@pureyogacheshire.co.uk and pay via bank transfer, bank details as follow:

Bank details:
Pure Yoga Cheshire
Co-operative Bank
Sort Code 089299
Account number 69775596

15 March
Sunday @ 12:28 pm - 12:28 pm


  • Start:
    15th March @ 12:28 pm
  • End:
    15th March @ 12:28 pm
  • Event Category

