Relax and Restore Yoga

Contact Francesca and Andrew to organise your private session, small group welcome –

Specific restorative poses which are passive, designed to adjust the nervous system and rest the adrenal glands, enabling the body to move towards balance. In our fully equipped studio we use several props such as cushions, bolsters, blankets and blocks to support the body allowing the nervous system to experience a deep rest.

The aim of restorative yoga is to relax and renew helping to trigger the Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The PNS is responsible for balancing the body and brining its response system back into equilibrium. Stimulating the PNS helps to lower heart rate and blood pressure; it helps to healthily stimulate the immune system and keep the endocrine system operating funcionally. When this system gets out of balance, or when the Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) gets over stimulated, the PNS helps to bring all back in balance. Forms of relaxation, such and Yoga and Meditation that help to stimulate the PNS are generally beneficial for overall body health.